Can Business Transformation Be Simple, Easy to Implement and To See Results?

M. Nadia Vincent

10/18/20172 min read

Why all these complexities, all these struggles?

Chris, a tall and imposing Scandinavian entrepreneur asked me bluntly at an international conference where I was delivering a digital transformation lecture. Not sure of what he was talking about, I asked humbly,

“Could you please specify what are the struggles and complexities you are experiencing?”

He kindly explained.

I own a small business that was doing very well. Now, the market has become so competitive and the only way to survive, as I was told, is to digitally transform my business. But in the past one and a half year, I’ve been throwing money at this digital transformation thing, and I am yet to see the returns. But worse than that, I am confused, my team is at wits ends and our competitors are rejoicing on getting our clients.

Do you have simple, clear and practical solutions with a roadmap, for small or medium size business and that can turn things around quickly?

I looked at Chris in the eyes and aside from his imposing stature, I saw someone who came to the conference because he needed specific help for an urgent situation and was determined to get it. I made time to talk with him and later, helped him turn the situation around.

What I learned from the experience was that I can help small and medium-sized businesses to innovate and transform faster and effectively by removing the extra layers that are only needed by large organizations.

Like Chris, if you don’t want all the extra fluff and want simple and practical solutions with a roadmap that you can follow, you are going to love “Digi Disruptors”, my new online business transformation course platform for small and medium-size businesses.

Following that experience with Chris, I have created a series of online courses and coaching program. Any entrepreneur or small business leader can easily follow the courses and implement their business transformation along with their team.

For Chris, before I sorted out the complex situation they were in, I first corrected their digital transformation approach.

How a business approach their digital transformation will set them to experience either digital success or, digital death. Therefore, the first course I published with is “Winning Digital Transformation Approach”. It is a course that will help to prepare any business to be transformed or, help course correct ongoing transformation.

"Winning Digital Transformation Approach" is a pre-requisite to my more advanced “Ultimate Digital Transformation Implementation” Course.

Find out more about “Winning Digital Transformation ApproachHere, or You can also start the course for free.

Nadia Vincent

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