Two Sisters, Their Visions and The Universe Surprising Them

M. Nadia Vincent

12/31/20193 min read

When you clarify your transformative vision and set yourself on a serving mission, the universe conspires with you to realize it.

My only sister is a medical doctor and international researcher. We each are accomplished professionals in our respective fields. In 2018 she expressed that she wanted to serve the world better by doing research full time to bring breakthrough solutions to the medical world after finishing her Ph.D. in Japan.

At only 34, she has an impressive background. She has already practiced medicine internationally and proposed solutions to diagnose and battle tropical diseases in the world. In 2019 she finished her Ph.D. and was immediately employed as a researcher for a Japanese public institute in Tokyo. She continuously publishes her researches in scientific media. We wish to live closer, or at least on the same continent, and not too far from the Caribbean, where we have our origins and our parents. But no matter how hard we tried, it was not happening. Each time we tried moving closer, we end up even further apart and further away from the Caribbean. It's been painful.

On my side, after 20 years of implementing digital transformation for organizations internationally, looking at the struggle of many organizations, I wanted to help and serve more of them. I decided to advise and coach more organizations to succeed instead. But I was still doing both, implementing and coaching. In 2019 I focused further on my vision, my intention of preventing the digital death of many organizations and help businesses create more digital success stories. I had already published The Digital Transformation Success Formula, which covers the critical areas to master and implements for successful digital transformation.

Focusing on my formula, I decided to improve my skills with the latest in digital business strategy and innovation. In the previous years, I had worked mostly on technology, management, and leadership. I accepted a lower level consulting mission to better reconnect with the customer experience, business strategy, implementation challenges, and employee experience again. Come October 2019; I graduated from my Executive Education Certificate in Strategy and Innovation from the most innovative university in the world, the prestigious MIT SLOAN, and that was only a start.

December 2019, I finish developing an outstanding portfolio of executive programs "Executive Innovators Board", to help organizations transform successfully and get out of the ongoing digital transformation chaos. I publish my 2nd book, Leveraging Digital Transformation, in the last days of 2019.

As I am preparing to launch the ultimate digital transformation and innovation executive program, Executive Innovators Board, I received fantastic news from my sister. 2019, I failed to attend my sister's Ph.D. graduation ceremony in Japan. She was later unable to join our family reunion in Paris. She called me.

My Sister: Prepare yourself, I am coming, and for at least two years.

Me: What are you talking about?

My Sister: I am the 1st laureate for a post-doc research mission at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. I am moving in February and starting work in March 2020.

Me: Congratulations darling!!! Wait, you mean that I can drive for a couple of hours and be together?

I let you imagine my joyful dance.

My sister is the 1st laureate for a call for a researcher from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, emanating from the OMS vision to eradicate the Hepatitis B virus (VHB) in the world. France and Japan are teaming together and financing the research. My sister is joining the research team at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris with the mission of developing an early and rapid diagnostic of the hepatitis B virus (VHB).

We both have worked in our profession, serving the world. We saw the challenges and wanted to contribute more and having more people benefiting from our work at this phase of our career. We gather our expertise and invested more time in learning, researching, and experimenting. There have been highs and lows. Regardless, we are motivated by our values, our commitments to our families, and the desire to contribute to the world. We clarified our vision, learn and work more and take action.

We don't do it for a title or position but for a transformative vision. There is nothing more powerful than a transformative vision. It will be your best motivation if and when you hit the low bottom of life. If you strategically plan and act to make it a reality, the universe will send you the right people and resources to help you get there.

This 2020, clarify your vision, create your strategic plan to make it happen. Don't just plan for a year. It is a new decade, try visioning for the next 5 to 10 years. Include your personal life, your career, your business, and your values. Then take action continuously.

If you are looking to transform your business, I can help you with your Business Strategy and Innovation, 360° digital transformation Leadership and Implementation, and Adopting Artificial Intelligence. Reach out to me anytime!

I wish you a healthy, peaceful, joyous and fruitful 2020! Be kind to our world and the world will be kinder to you!

M. Nadia Vincent

#DigitalTransformation #Leadership #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalStrategy #DigitalTechnology

#BusinessTransformation #ExecutiveAdvisory #Leaders #Executives #Innovations #Team

#Accomplishment #Vision