Part 3 - Why CXOs Must Shift from Change to Transformation

Blog post description.

M. Nadia Vincent

3/23/20161 min read

Businesses and organizations must shift from change to transformation ASAP because most of our previous business and technology processes are already or will soon be obsolete.

Digital technologies and innovative business transformations have changed the way we create products, services and how we deliver them to our clients. Instead of thinking:

“How could I improve this process?”


“Is this process relevant in the digital business era?” or “Is this process valuable for our digital business strategy?”

We’re now in an era where we can eliminate so much waste by co-creating with our clients and delivering faster and more innovatively to them. You may come to find that many of the processes or steps from existing process-flows become obsolete. Instead of thinking about how to improve business processes solely, look instead from the consumer experience, their expectations, what the market has come to and find how your business can serve them best.

The fact is that the market is being reshaped day-after-day by innovative businesses in every sector. The bar is set higher and if you don’t raise your business standards your customers will raise their standards and go co-create with other businesses.

Today, improving a production line is only valuable if it is taken within the context of a well-designed digital transformation strategy. Or else it may be a waste of time and money.

  • Thinking about reducing your costs or offering better prices to your customers?

Start with digital transformation.

  • Thinking about increasing your business margin?

Start with digital transformation.

  • Thinking about delivering more products and services to your market?

Start with digital transformation.

  • Thinking about increasing your client base or reach new markets?

Start with digital transformation.

  • Thinking about reducing time to market?

Start with digital transformation.

Where to start with your digital transformation strategy?

Start with your customer-experience point-of-view. Which is the second part of this article series.

#DigitalTransformation #Leadership #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalStrategy #DigitalTechnology

#BusinessTransformation #ExecutiveAdvisory #Leaders #Executives #Innovations #Team
