Are You An Achiever? Join Us!
M. Nadia Vincent
9/19/20152 min read

If yes, this is for you! Have you encountered the robber of happiness that lurks in the midst of achievers globally?
It is responsible for between 70 and 90% of medical visits according to medical associations worldwide. It starts with little meaningless things and progressively escalates to medium and big issues before you know it. It may even be responsible for bad addictive habits.
Pharmaceutical companies thrive thanks to it.
It may attack, and slowly eat away at your relationships, your energy, your health, your finances, your well-being, and the fulfillment you may get from doing your work. It can create unwanted memories in your brain and condition you to be someone other than yourself. It can eventually cause you to feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied by life in general. We all meet it daily in our life whether from our external environment or silently from our internal self. We need it in our life but when it goes out of control or if you don’t know how to respond to it effectively, it may cause you to be tired, distressed, anxious, sick, unfulfilled, disengaged and / or burned out. Unfortunately, our lifestyle from the last 30 years has seen it increased to level unseen before, worldwide.
Its name is “stress” and you need to know how to manage it. Has it caused you any issues or has it robbed you of some, or a lot, of your happiness lately?
Well, it did for me and I eventually burned out, complete with all the damage a burn-out can cause. Because of that, I was determined to reclaim my authentic happiness and well-being again. Thanks to the latest discoveries in brain science, I did. I reclaimed my happiness, performance level and well-being in collaboration with some of the world’s top brain scientists, positive psychologists, neuro-scientists, technology innovators, and personal development specialists.
I am sharing with you my solutions to preserve or reclaim your happiness, wealth and well-being in a live and virtual event on October 1st 2015. With me, five international professionals in their respective fields are going to deliver transformational values related to self-care, finances, well-being, fitness, living your ideal life and emotional healing in a live webinar on October 1st.
Don’t miss it! Participation is free but space is limited. So book now.
In addition to this, I am currently offering to you the basic module of my effective “Stress Management” solution. Through this, you can listen to an audiobook about effective stress management, and start implementing step by step solutions in your life right away.
Additionally, enjoy a restful neuro-programming (or brain reprogramming) session about healing from stress on an imaginary Caribbean beach, all that, free of charge.
Space is limited for the live webinar event so you want to book your place now.
See you there!
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