A Difficult Decision to Make? Your Brain May Outperform AI
M. Nadia Vincent
11/8/20202 min read

The following picture in the wild west in Oregon dated back to 1996. I had a difficult decision to make. Continue with my Food Science studies or quit and study Technology full-time. I am not a quitter, and I love Food Science, but I had recently fallen in love madly with Information Technology after a series of technology courses. I could not imagine my life without technology, even though I had no idea of my future career path. Why choose? Why is everyone, including the college counseling office, is afraid that I may fail both if I embrace a double major?

Even AI would have failed me back then because the data about the success rate for double majors were not in my favor. Adding to that, I am a non-native English speaker, so for many, I had overestimated my capabilities. The machine would have advice like the people or would be unable to advise due to a lack of data.
Sure, I thought, there will be less time for me to enjoy this magical nature or spending time with my friends, and less time at the gym like I love, but I would not let others define how far I can go. To the surprised of everyone, I chose to be a double major, worked hard, never regret a minute, and successfully graduated with two scientific degrees and high GPAs for each. There I was ready to do business with the world.
I am grateful for the college counselor who trusted me and allowed me to try, even though they had to monitor my grades to prevent failure. I'm also grateful for the people who supported me even though my decision was beyond their understanding.
Over the years, I have not only served organizations with their information technology, but I have as well treated thousands of weddings and event guests with flavors that they never heard of, as well as my signature of existing delicacies. Never a dull holiday with me because I have a special relationship and savoir-faire with great food and gastronomy.
There is no better place than in nature to listen to your inner self. All my people, including the professional advisors who thought they knew what will happen, knew nothing about me. Sometimes, you must find your inner courage to walk your road alone, for it is yours only. That is how you find your purpose and contribute to a higher mission.
In challenging times like today, try to shut off your fears and the fears of others to listen to your inner-self, for that is where you'll find your purpose.
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